

We are aware of the fact that due to the outbreak of war in Ukraine, many families had to leave their home country and find a new place to live. The process of joining a new school and the very adaptation is difficult and children may feel lost in the new environment, not knowing the language nor the culture. The same situation applies to other forms of migration – e.g. when a pupil is returning from abroad to the native education system or when a foreign pupil joins a new class in a new country.

Therefore, as an answer to this situation, within the School Adapt project, there have been two original Models created by Polish partners: OIC Poland Foundation and Zespół Szkół im. Unitów Podlaskich w Wohyniu with the help from project partners from Cyprus, Italy and Spain.

If you are a teacher who has recently admitted newcomers or whose school is planning to do so, and you do not know how to approach and work with a migrant background pupil or you are searching for educational materials that can help you with this, you can find the original models very useful, as they practically describe how to work with pupils step by step from the very moment of their parents’ decision to leave the former country until the first months of the child’s adaptation.

The models are available in the project results section on the website. Feel free to use them!